
A British engineer developed a virtual financial analyst


Artificial Intelligence (AI) engineer Meyo Oshin from the UK, has created a beta version of a chatbot called Warren Buffett.

The chatbot is named after famous investor Warren Buffett and was developed as an automated financial analyst. Oshin tested a virtual fiscal analyst capable of researching huge amounts of information in PDF format and creating accounts. As part of the experiment, Oshin presented almost 1,000-page financial documents to Tesla and asked the program to calculate the company's revenue growth rate. The program responded accurately and provided a selection of the resources used in its calculations.

Warren Buffett works on an updated version of ChatGPT GPT-4 and was created using LangChain, a set of tools that gives you the ability to create software using ChatGPT and other AI programs.

The aim of the project is to optimise and reduce the cost of analysing documents to discover specific facts. Warren Buffett's advanced features allow you to use a chatbot to investigate data over time.

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