
Joseph O'Connor sentenced to 5 years in prison for stealing cryptocurrency


On June 23, Briton Joseph O'Connor was sentenced to five years in prison for his role in the theft of nearly $900,000 worth of cryptocurrency. In 2020, he was involved in SIM card spoofing and also hacked into the Twitter accounts of several well-known personalities.

Judge Jed Rakoff was adamant that Joseph O'Connor receive a real prison sentence for his acts which caused serious consequences in people's lives. The ruling was issued in the US District Court in southern New York.

Joseph O'Connor, also known as PlugWalkJoe, pleaded guilty to swapping SIM cards and infiltrating the Twitter accounts of prominent cryptocurrency industry leaders.

He also conducted fictitious token giveaways and promotions in which he received $794,000 in cryptocurrencies. In a similar fraud, he hacked numerous cryptocurrency publications and additionally the profiles of Elon Musk and former US President Barack Obama, earning $103,960 in digital assets. 

It should be noted that Joseph O'Connor was detained in Spain in 2021.

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