
Elon Musk offers to buy perfume for Dogecoin cryptocurrency


Billionaire Elon Musk found a new use for Dogecoin (DOGE) and started accepting a cryptocurrency meme as payment for perfume.

Musk published a message that his construction company, The Boring Company, released a Burnt Hair perfume. From the name it becomes clear that the perfume smells of burnt hair and, according to the authors, "will help to stand out from the crowd."

Burnt Hair Perfume

On The Boring Company's website, the perfume costs $ 100, and the purchase can be paid with DOGE coins. Russians have the right to order goods with home delivery by mail for $ 35. The products will be shipped in the first quarter of 2023.

In addition to Dogecoin, fiat currency, Bitcoin, Ethereum (ETH) and many other digital assets are accepted for payment. Crypto payments are processed through the BitPay platform.

Elon stated that 10,000 bottles were bought in five hours after the start of sales, that is, The Boring Company has already earned $ 1 million on perfumes. In 2018, the Mask managed to sell 20,000 "flamethrowers" at a price of $ 500 apiece and earn $ 10 million. Then the businessman had to refute rumors that he was preparing a zombie apocalypse to increase the demand for flamethrowers.

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