
In China, Telegram is used to sell narcotic substances for cryptocurrencies


Chinese police in Shanghai have detained a gang of drug dealers selling marijuana and LSD stamps that they had grown personally.

Members of the criminal organisation received messages from their clients via Telegram and prepared smuggling bookmarks for a contactless transfer of contraband. Payment was demanded in Bitcoin, with gang leader Zhao, a 39-year-old leader, acting as "leader".

Drug addicts and traffickers interacted via overseas social media, with sellers hiding goods in advance. Buyers would then collect their order and pay with virtual currency transfers.

The Chinese government has recently expressed its concern about an existing crime scheme involving the use of Telegram and digital currencies, particularly Bitcoin. Law enforcement authorities have reported a spike in incidents of people using Telegram to communicate and Bitcoin to pay for illegal drug-related activities. 

The simplicity and secrecy provided by Telegram and cryptocurrencies pose new challenges for Chinese law enforcement agencies.

The introduction of encrypted messaging platforms, such as Telegram, has enabled drug trafficking organisations to conduct their operations covertly and organise their activities clandestinely. This makes it difficult for law enforcement agencies to detect and disrupt these criminal activities. Furthermore, the use of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin as a payment method further complicates investigations due to their pseudo-anonymous nature. 

In China, online drug dealing and its impact on society is a major concern, particularly with regard to the involvement of young people in such illicit activities. The accessibility and anonymity provided by digital platforms make it easier for drug dealers to target a wide audience, including susceptible adolescents who may be tempted or inclined to engage in such illicit practices.

Efforts are currently underway to strengthen monitoring and inspection of online platforms in order to detect and suppress illegal drug-related activities. Additionally, promotional activities and training courses are conducted to inform the public, especially adolescents, about the risks and results of taking drugs. 

A collaborative approach involving law enforcement, government agencies, local organisations and society at large is needed to combat the illegal sale of drugs on the Internet and the involvement of adolescents in drugs.

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