
Venom Foundation plans to create a blockchain hub in Kenya


The Venom Foundation, a non-profit organisation, has entered into a partnership agreement with the Kenyan government to create an advanced blockchain hub in Nairobi, Kenya.

The company's division in Kenya will focus on creating applications using Venom blockchain and Web3 solutions that will be applied in different parts of the country's economic system, such as financial infrastructure, production chain, agriculture, small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as international trade.

The Venom Foundation plans that their new blockchain hub in Kenya will be a key platform for companies across Africa and other stakeholders to connect and share knowledge.

Besides its educational and communication functions, the Venom Foundation also plans to participate in African governments' initiatives related to digital transformation, voting procedures, property documentation and asset tokenisation.

The Venom Foundation and online company Iceberg Capital previously announced the creation of the Venom Ventures Fund (VVF) with a $1 billion investment to further develop the Web3 sector.

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