Close returned 320,000 ETH, mistakenly transferred to the address


Cryptocurrency Platform returned 320,000 ATH, which I mistakenly transferred to the exchange address . This was announced by the head of the company Chris Marshalek.

November 11th disclosed information about the balances of hot and cold wallets. According to the Nansen dashboard, the platform holds more than $2.4 billion in digital assets. At the same time, over 22% of the funds are accounted for by the Shiba Inu meme token (SHIB).

After that, some users noticed that on October 21 sent 320,000 ETH (~82% of Ethereum on the balance of the platform) to the address . Marshalek stated that the operation was performed by mistake.

It was supposed to be a move to a new cold storage address, but was sent to a whitelisted external exchange address. We worked with Gate team and the funds were subsequently returned to our cold storage. New processes and features were implemented to prevent this from reoccurring. — Kris (@kris) November 13, 2022

In confirmed the refund. The founder of the exchange, Lee Han, noted that the published report on the state of the exchange's reserves does not take into account the information received from cryptocurrency, since the snapshot for the audit was completed on October 19.

Against the background of the FTX Group's bankruptcy, cryptocurrency exchanges began publishing information about reserves in digital assets. In particular, Binance and Huobi have already submitted similar reports.

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