
Meta warned of crypto scams appearing under the guise of ChatGPT chatbot


US multinational holding company Meta* has issued a warning about a large number of crypto scams masquerading as ChatGPT chatbots.

Since March 2023, the company's researchers have noticed ten different malware families posing as ChatGPT. Until May, Meta* had blocked more than a thousand malicious links from its platform. The company said such scams often come in the form of mobile apps or browser extensions pretending to be ChatGPT tools. Moreover, there are cases where viruses present some of ChatGPT's real-world features to trick users.

Meta* has announced its intention to fight fraud by introducing a new type of account called "Meta Work", which will allow users to access the Business Manager site tools without having an individual social media account. Software is also being developed that can detect and remove malware; it is not yet known whether it will be an antivirus.

In February, hackers began spreading viruses disguised as ChatGPT for Windows and Android systems. To create the illusion of authenticity, they even went as far as creating fake social media accounts with thousands of followers. Additionally, malicious apps posing as ChatGPT Chatteo AI Chat GPT were found on Google Play.

OpenAI, founded by Sam Altman, has created a chatbot called ChatGPT. The tool, powered by artificial intelligence technology, can understand the meaning and context of messages and generate human-like responses. However, it is still at an early stage of development, and Sam Altman warns against relying on it for important tasks.

Meta* (recognised as an extremist organisation in Russia and banned in the country)

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