
Metaverses will help technologies develop in Russia


Metaverses in 2023 may become one of the important incentives for the development of technologies in Russia. Thanks to them, developers will be able to create full-fledged images of users in the virtual world. This is indicated in the forecasts for the development of technologies in Russia for 2023.

They were presented during the analytical session at RIW 2022 by Sergey Grebennikov, Director of the Russian Association of Electronic Communications (RAEC), Karen Kazaryan, Director of Analytics at ANO Digital Economy, and Maria Saikina, Chief Analyst at RAEC.

How Metaverses will help develop technologies in Russia in 2023

As reported by the above persons, Metaverses will allow a large number of developers to improve their technologies related to the digital economy. Most likely, with their help, they will also be able to introduce new types of services to customers in virtual worlds. A breakthrough should be expected in such areas as gaming, art.

In addition, the forecasts indicate that the main trends in 2023 in Russia will be not only import substitution programs, but also the development of drones, the use of AI to manage large databases, and the increasingly widespread use of biometric identification.

Another trend in the near future will be the development of generative models that allow them to be used in the business environment, entertainment industry, and art.

Will Metaverses be able to ensure the development of technologies in the Russian Federation in the next few years

It is worth recalling that even 2 years ago, few people knew about the Metaverses. But this year this word became the second in the list of candidates for the title of "word of the year" according to the Oxford Dictionary. In 2023, Metaverses promise to become the main technological trend, according to analysts at Info-Tech Research Group.

At the same time, no large company has yet been able to create a mass product based on the Metaverse. But it is the year 2023 that may be decisive in how the Metaverse industry will develop in the next decade.

According to preliminary estimates, Metaverses may well add over $5 trillion to the global economy by 2030.

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