
"Working at the maximum" — Elon Musk restructures Twitter


The cryptans' favorite social network, Twitter, has been in a fever for several weeks since billionaire Elon Musk became its owner. He has already made quite a splash and promised that it will only get worse. However, there is also encouraging news — Musk plans to delegate the leadership to someone else after a fundamental restructuring of the company.

Immediately after the purchase of Twitter, the new head fired top managers. And along with them, half of the 7,500 employees were asked to leave. With staff cuts, the businessman is trying to reduce costs after buying the company for $ 44 billion. According to him, he overpaid for it. In addition, Musk banned remote work. The owner of the social network announced that employees must be in the office "at least 40 hours a week."

The remaining Twitter employees received regular "letters of happiness" from the new management yesterday with the mysterious title "Fork in the road". Musk issued an ultimatum: employees must decide whether they want to remain part of the Twitter team or leave the company with a three-month severance package. The decision must be made by Thursday evening.

"If you are sure that you want to be a part of the updated Twitter, click "Yes" on the link below. Whatever decision you make, thank you for your actions aimed at making Twitter a success," the letters say. There is something to think about — those who decide to stay will have to work literally to the bone — Musk warned that working on Twitter 2.0 should be "extremely hardcore."

The New York Times, citing sources, reports that Musk has begun firing employees who publicly criticize the company's new policy and its management. So, in his own account, Musk talked about the dismissal of mobile developer Eric Fronhefer, who argued with him on social networks. The post was later demolished. At least 20 more employees paid for criticizing his policies in a corporate chat, media reports.

Fatigue and burnout

On Monday, during a speech at the B20 Indonesia 2022 exhibition, Musk admitted that he feels extremely overloaded after taking the chair of the head of the social network.

I really work at the absolute maximum — from morning to night, seven days a week. To be honest, it's not something I would recommend to anyone.

He said that the fundamental restructuring will soon be completed and the reins of government can be transferred to someone less active and more calm:

"I expect to reduce my time on Twitter and eventually find someone else to manage."

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