
Japanese crypto company FUELHASH now supports XRP


FUELHASH, a Japanese crypto company, announced the availability of its cryptocurrency lending services for XRP on its trading platform. 

Supposedly, they are the only organisation in Japan offering such services for this particular currency. Besides XRP, this platform also supports USDC, USDT, BTC, ETH, ETC and BNB.

According to their website, users can deposit a minimum of 100 XRP with an interest rate of 1.5% after 90 days and 1% after 60 days.

Katsuya Konno founded FUELHASH in March 2021 with the aim of developing renewable energy production with a focus on solar power generation in Japan and hydroelectric power plants around the world. Their trading platform was launched in November 2022.

"We have started a partnership with XRP to offer a way to make money through credit deals for those who foresee the prospects of the cryptocurrency and support it over the long term," said Konno. 

"This is currently the only XRP open-ended lending service available in Japan, so we hope that users will start by depositing at least 100 XRP," he continued.

We will listen to customer feedback and modify our services accordingly if necessary.

This situation is another example of the huge popularity of XRP among the Japanese thanks to Ripple's partnership with SBI Holdings. As mentioned earlier, SBI VC Trade, the crypto exchange SBI Holdings, recently announced that it will offer delegation as a service to FLR holders, many of whom are XRP holders who have received AirDrop.

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