
South Korean news platform CoinNess announced a partnership with Ness LAB


CoinNess, a well-known South Korean provider of cryptocurrency investment news and information, recently announced a partnership with Ness LAB. Their mission is to create a distributed, secure and transparent environment for services and applications, ensuring fair and professional value transfer.

According to the organisations, the partnership will help expand Blockchain technology through knowledge sharing, user education and the introduction of decentralised applications and services - all essential to the development of Web3.

The project managers said that their main goal is to leverage the expertise of both companies to give users and investors access to data and value creation opportunities without any difficulties. This will be achieved through networked data and a number of properties that will allow adaptive strategies and more informed decision-making based on the data.

Users and investors will be able to interact with other participants in the network as well as with external parties such as project partners, government agencies, financial regulators and others.

The team specified that by joining forces with CoinNess, Ness LAB will be able to make value exchange easier. This will be achieved through the use of software solutions designed to solve complex problems. The startup's executives believe that Blockchain and Web3 technologies are on an upward trend that is expected to gain momentum in a few years. Both companies hope to help develop the cryptocurrency market while maintaining a high standard of efficiency.

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