
ZB crypto exchange lost almost $5 million as a result of hacking


PeckShield company announced on August 3 that from the hot wallet of the digital asset exchange crypto assets worth more than $4.7 million were withdrawn as a result of a hacker attack. In total, 21 assets were withdrawn from the exchange, including MATIC, APE, SHIB, AAVE, USDT, USDC, CRV and 1INCH.

A day earlier, the crypto exchange announced the temporary suspension of deposits and withdrawals:

"Due to the sudden failure of some major applications, it takes time to troubleshoot. Deposit and withdrawal services are currently suspended. Please do not deposit digital currency before the recovery."

The platform, however, did not report whether the suspension was related to a security breach of the exchange's hot wallet. Interestingly, the company positions itself as "the world's safest digital asset exchange." , formerly known as , was founded in 2013 in China. After the Chinese government imposed restrictions on cryptocurrency trading in 2017, the company moved and then rebranded. The exchange has more than 15 million users, according to Coingecko.

This is the third incident in the industry in August. The Nomad bridge was hacked on August 1, as a result of the exploit, the protocol lost about $ 200 million.

Some of those who took advantage of the vulnerability in the protocol returned $9 million to the address provided by Nomad.

Solana network users suffered from hacking on August 3: about $8 million was stolen from more than 7,700 wallets.

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