
Binance helped US law enforcement agencies seize $4.4m worth of cryptocurrencies


Chainalysis, a blockchain company, has announced that North Korean hackers took over $1.7 billion worth of cryptocurrencies in 2022. 

Law enforcement agencies in the US and other countries have retaliated by imposing sanctions against Lazarus, a major cybercrime group. To freeze accounts and seize digital money. Western security forces decided to cooperate with major bitcoin trading markets.

Binance executives said the trading platform helped US law enforcement seize $4.4 million worth of virtual currencies from addresses linked to North Korean cybercriminals.

The exchange press centre proudly announced that their involvement had helped US law enforcement agencies seize $4.4 million and freeze accounts linked to Korean organised crime.

Changpeng Zhao, chief executive of Binance, said in late April that it had managed to prevent $5.8 million worth of digital assets from being used by Lazarus-linked individuals.

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