
Media giant Disney announced the launch of its Starverse metaverse


Media giant Disney has announced the official launch of its Starverse metaverse in India. According to Afaqs, the announcement was made after months of testing the concept. The launch of Starverse will reportedly take place around the time of the 2023 Indian Premier League (IPL) season. The platform has been developed by Disney to improve the viewing experience for sports fans. Sports fans will be able to experience three-dimensional immersion with the help of Starverse.

Sanjog Gupta, head of sport department at Star&Disney India, said that this is the first time that mass testing of the interface will be allowed in the Starverse. Once the testing process is completed, the plan is to release its final version.

Using the mobile network rather than the application, Starverse can be accessed by people who have not downloaded it. The Disney executive also said that users will be able to use Starverse permanently and that a number of new features will be added during the year. Various agencies were engaged to develop the technical background, 3D models, environments and game elements for Starverse.

The popularity of such platforms has also attracted the attention of regulators, according to a study by Elliptic Connect, which showed how they proliferate and provide space for all types of cybercriminals. Regulatory authorities in many countries are looking for solutions to manage the digital sphere. Interpol is particularly exploring how to control metaverses and possibly transfer their powers to existing platforms that are already in use by some criminal organisations.

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