
US Department of Justice seized $112m in cryptocurrency from fraudsters


The US Department of Justice has seized about $112 million in cryptocurrency from fraudsters known as "pig slaughterers".

The states of Arizona, California and Idaho obtained warrants to seize digital assets belonging to six accounts that were used to launder money stolen from victims. Apparently, the cryptocurrency was recovered from the accounts of the perpetrators.

FBI agents identified 69 people who were defrauded by these fraudsters. The fraudsters deceived their gullible victims by offering to invest in various start-ups and then giving them deceptive links to the companies' websites. After they invested their money, the criminals refused to pay them back under numerous pretexts.

The 'pig slaughterers' stole $33.9 million from 69 victims, including one pensioner who transferred a total of $2.36 million to the fraudsters. Repeatedly trying to get his money back, he nearly lost all his savings; however, law enforcement agencies managed to recover his funds.

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