
SudoRare Protocol suspected of stealing $815,000 worth of assets


Developers of the SudoRare automatic market making protocol were suspected of stealing $815,000 worth of client assets

The creators of the SudoRare protocol allegedly stole client assets worth 519 ETH (~$815,000). This was reported on Twitter by PeckShield analysts.

The protocol website has stopped opening, and SudoRare’s social media accounts have been deleted. According to PeckShield, the attackers broke the stolen amount of 173 ETH and brought it to three addresses. At the time of writing, the cryptocurrency remains on the wallets of intruders.

Earlier in June, XCarnival’s NFT lending pool almost lost about $4 million after a hacker exploited a vulnerability in a smart contract. As a result of the attack, the hacker managed to steal 3087 ETH, but in the end they (hacker and platform) came to a compromise — the attacker was presented with 1500 ETH as a reward for the vulnerability found. Also, the developers of XCarnival promised not to go to the police to initiate a case on the fact of hacking the project.

In early May, attackers exploited a vulnerability in the Fei Protocol project code to steal about $80 million in cryptocurrency from Rari Capital pools. Attackers took advantage of the re-entry vulnerability, when an internal function can be performed in a smart contract through an external call from another source.

The developers of Fei Protocol stopped the possibility of a cryptocurrency loan and offered the attacker $10 million, as well as a waiver of claims for a refund of $ 80 million, but the hackers never got in touch.

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