
Liechtenstein will allow its citizens to pay for public services with Bitcoin


Liechtenstein Prime Minister Daniel Risch told Handelsblatt that the state will allow its citizens to pay for public services with Bitcoin. He did not give an exact date, but noted that Bitcoin payment options will become available in the near future.

Daniel Risch said that the government will convert the digital currency into the country's own currency as soon as it is accepted by the public. Some municipal areas in Switzerland, including the canton of Zug, are implementing similar measures. The prime minister did not rule out the possibility that the authorities could use some of their reserves to invest in bitcoin.

In 2019, the Liechtenstein government passed the Blockchain Act, which created an orderly environment for companies engaged in digital asset activities.

LGT Bank, owned by the Princely House of Liechtenstein, offered private clients the opportunity to invest in Bitcoin and Ethereum and provide cryptocast services in May 2022.

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